Introduction to Linux - 90 Minute Crash Course, Hands On!
Learn key concepts related to Linux. Install Ubuntu on your computer and in AWS. Master key commands and shortcuts.
Watch Promo"Amazing. Very clear and concise." -Damie
"This was very helpful. I loved the basic, simplicity of the course. You never lost me!" -Tyler
What makes this course worth my time?
- Have you found that many training resources use complex technical jargon that makes it difficult to understand the basic concepts? If you need to get a basic understanding of Linux quickly and clearly, this is the course for you. You will learn the basics quickly and easily with no time wasted and no fluff.
Why is the course so short?
- This course is meant to be your perfect starting point with Linux. You're going to learn all the basics and can move on to more complex materials with confidence! We are not going to get into all sorts of stuff that you do not need. Just the essentials to get started.
Will I actually learn how to use Linux in the real world?
- Absolutely! You will learn many useful commands, you'll understand how to navigate the linux terminal, and you'll even install Ubuntu!
This course answers the questions:
- What is Linux, and how is it different from Windows?
- What is the difference between Linux Server and Linux Desktop?
- Why are there so many Linux distributions?
- How do I use the Linux terminal like a pro?
- Installing Ubuntu Linux on your own computer or creating a Linux Server in the AWS Cloud
- How to use key Linux commands, including (but not limited to):
- man, pwd, cd, id, sudo, ls, mkdir, rmdir, cd, tree, cat, touch, df -h, cp, mv, grep, ping, ifconfig, netstat
I have taught hundreds of thousands of students across a variety of platforms, and I think anyone who needs to understand Linux will love this course. Most lectures in this course are 5 - 10 minutes long. This course gives you an understanding of the most basic commands and knowledge areas of Linux.
If you need the basics of Linux, this course will give you a strong foundation, and is the ideal starting point.
Your Instructor
I am the owner of TrainerTests, and an official certified trainer for VMware and AWS.
I have delivered thousands of hours of official live training to my students, and I love teaching people new skills.
I am the founder of TrainerTests, which provides video training unlike any other company. I believe in using high quality illustrations and animations to simply complex concepts. in my courses you will get the technical depth that you need, with a focus on making sure that you completely understand the underlying concepts.
I have over 200,000 students across a variety of platforms, with multiple top-rated and best selling courses.
Course Curriculum
StartAbout this Course (1:14)
StartCommand Quick Reference (0:32)
StartIntroduction to Linux (7:12)
StartQuiz - Introduction to Linux
StartLinux Distributions (4:05)
StartQuiz - Linux Distributions
StartInstalling Linux for this course (0:46)
StartInstall Ubuntu Desktop On a Computer (8:55)
StartSign up for AWS (4:52)
StartQuiz - Sign Up for AWS
StartCreate an Ubuntu Server in AWS (3:05)
StartCleanup to Avoid AWS Charges (0:24)
StartThe Linux Terminal (2:25)
StartQuiz - The Linux Terminal
StartDisplaying Manual Pages in the Terminal (man) (6:40)
StartQuiz - Displaying Manual Pages in the Terminal (man)
StartUseful Terminal Shortcuts (2:25)
StartQuiz - Useful Terminal Shortcuts
StartUsing Tab to Auto-Complete Commands (6:17)
StartQuiz - Using Tab to Auto-Complete Commands
StartThe Root User (4:09)
StartQuiz - The Root User
StartNavigating Files and Directories (pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, tree) (11:28)
StartQuiz - Navigating Files and Directories (pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, tree)
StartWorking with Files (cp, mv, rm, and more) (6:52)
StartQuiz - Working with Files (cp, mv,rm, and more)
StartUsing locate and find to search for files (3:39)
StartQuiz - Using locate and find to search for files
StartUsing grep to search files and command output (6:41)
StartQuiz - Using grep to search files and command output
StartUsing head and tail to display portions of a text file (1:54)
StartQuiz - Using head and tail to display portions of a text file
StartEditing text files with nano (2:47)
StartQuiz - Editing text files with nano
StartUsing echo to add text to a file (0:58)
StartQuiz - Using echo to add text to a file
StartCompare file contents with diff (1:25)
StartQuiz - Compare file contents with diff
Startping (2:25)
StartQuiz - ping
Startifconfig and the net-tools package (3:02)
StartQuiz: ifconfig and the net-tools package
StartUsing Netstat to View Network Connections (2:23)
StartQuiz - Using Netstat to View Network Connections
StartDisplay host name and IP address with hostname (0:25)
Start***IMPORTANT! Clean up AWS Account*** (1:49)